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n. (plural of disturbance English)

Usage examples of "disturbances".

From the top of this wave the Barrier stretched away before us, flat at first, but we could see disturbances of the surface in the distance.

On the side nearest to the mountain these disturbances were such that a hasty glance was enough to show us the impossibility of advancing that way.

But what astonished us was that between these disturbances and on the far side of them, we seemed to see an even, unbroken plain, entirely unaffected by the broken surface.

These told us clearly enough that disturbances had taken place here, and that even greater ones might be expected, probably near at hand.

As I have said before, I assume that these great disturbances here mark the boundary between the Barrier and the land.

When one thinks over it afterwards, it seems reasonable enough that the final victory of mild weather over the remains of the Antarctic winter cannot be accomplished without serious disturbances of the atmospheric conditions.

These great disturbances of the ice-mass must have a cause, and the only conceivable one was that the subjacent land had brought about this disruption of the surface.