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The Collaborative International Dictionary
District judge

District \Dis"trict\, n. [LL. districtus district, fr. L. districtus, p. p. of distringere: cf. F. district. See Distrain.]

  1. (Feudal Law) The territory within which the lord has the power of coercing and punishing.

  2. A division of territory; a defined portion of a state, town, or city, etc., made for administrative, electoral, or other purposes; as, a congressional district, judicial district, land district, school district, etc.

    To exercise exclusive legislation . . . over such district not exceeding ten miles square.
    --The Constitution of the United States.

  3. Any portion of territory of undefined extent; a region; a country; a tract.

    These districts which between the tropics lie.

    Congressional district. See under Congressional.

    District attorney, the prosecuting officer of a district or district court.

    District court, a subordinate municipal, state, or United States tribunal, having jurisdiction in certain cases within a judicial district.

    District judge, one who presides over a district court.

    District school, a public school for the children within a school district. [U.S.]

    Syn: Division; circuit; quarter; province; tract; region; country.

District Judge

District Judge may refer to

  • A member of the Judiciary of England and Wales
  • A United States federal judge
  • A judge in a U.S. state court where the state is divided into judicial districts
  • The short name for a Judge of the District Court in the Republic of Ireland
  • In the judiciary of Northern Ireland:
    • District Judge, judge that sits to hear pre-trial applications and small claims cases in the County Court, previously known as a Circuit Registrar
    • District Judge (Magistrates Court), judge that presides over the Magistrates' Courts, formerly known as a resident magistrate

Usage examples of "district judge".

Where it says right here in the decree the district judge and counsel for plaintiff both overlooked the irrelevance of their defense?

His friends were many and varied -- ranging from dope dealers and outlaw bikers to District Judge and horse-traders.

And once, in the night, they attacked the stage-coach when a District Judge, of Nevada Territory, was the only passenger, and with their first volley of arrows (and a bullet or two) they riddled the stage curtains, wounded a horse or two and mortally wounded the driver.

It took less than an hour for them to be processed, then taken off to the tame federal district judge.

And District Judge Gerald Kirkland isn't going to drop the charges because he's angry as hell at my father and we don't know if Dad will be going to jail (he could be put away as long as two years).

Kitrell, District Judge of Harris County, Texas, returnable the following morning.