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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dissuasion \Dis*sua"sion\, n. [L. dissuasio: cf. F. dissuasion. See Dissuade.]

  1. The act of dissuading; exhortation against a thing; dehortation.

    In spite of all the dissuasions of his friends.

  2. A motive or consideration tending to dissuade; a dissuasive.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Latin dissuasionem (nominative dissuasio) "an advice to the contrary," noun of action from past participle stem of dissuadere (see dissuade).


n. the act or an instance of dissuade

  1. n. a communication that dissuades you

  2. persuasion not to do something; the act of talking someone out of an intended course of action

  3. influencing someone to desist by argument or reasoning or entreaty [ant: persuasion]

Usage examples of "dissuasion".

Disneyland doesn't serve the purposes of deterrence and dissuasion, as Baudrillard quaintly imagines.

The better to guard his privacy, Murgen set out barriers of dissuasion along the approaches to Swer Smod, and, further, appointed a pair of demoniac gatekeepers, the better to turn back obstinate visitors.