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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dissociable \Dis*so"cia*ble\, a. [L. dissociabilis, fr. dissociare: cf. F. dissociable. See Dissociate.]

  1. Not well associated or assorted; incongruous.

    They came in two and two, though matched in the most dissociable manner.

  2. Having a tendency to dissolve social connections; unsuitable to society; unsociable.


a. 1 Able to be dissociated, divided or separated. 2 Not well associated or assorted; incongruous. 3 Having a tendency to dissolve social connections; unsuited to society; unsociable.


adj. capable of being divided or dissociated; "often drugs and crime are not dissociable"; "the siamese twins were not considered seperable"; "a song...never conceived of as severable from the melody"; [syn: separable, severable]