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The Collaborative International Dictionary

dissipate \dis"si*pate\ (d[i^]s"s[i^]*p[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dissipated; p. pr. & vb. n. Dissipating.] [L. dissipatus, p. p. of dissipare; dis- + an obsolete verb sipare, supare. to throw.]

  1. To scatter completely; to disperse and cause to disappear; -- used esp. of the dispersion of things that can never again be collected or restored.

    Dissipated those foggy mists of error.

    I soon dissipated his fears.

    The extreme tendency of civilization is to dissipate all intellectual energy.

  2. To destroy by wasteful extravagance or lavish use; to squander.

    The vast wealth . . . was in three years dissipated.
    --Bp. Burnet.

    Syn: To disperse; scatter; dispel; spend; squander; waste; consume; lavish.


vb. (present participle of dissipate English)

Usage examples of "dissipating".

On all of those secret journeys, I found myself en tranced by the growing, and then dissipating, heat-light of Narbondel, the time-clock pilla!

A moment later, a burst of fire erupted in the air before them, dissipating into a cloud of hissing steam as they and their defensive mist wall streamed through it.

The springtime tundra, the hardening grasp of ice dissipating, had become like a great sponge, swelling in places to create mounds higher even than Wulfgar.

The dart plunged into Omraeth's throat, ending his song in an ugly gurgle and dissipating the charged heaviness of arcane force accumulating in the air.

It would continue of its own accord for some minutes before dissipating, ensuring that another horde of the enemy couldn't come up behind them.

I drank hastily, the comfort of the warm beverage dissipating my inner chill.

His naturally quicker pace kept him abreast of the Hayuman who was still dissipating his anger.

She opened her eyes to grayness, to the realization that the crash foam was dissipating, to the knowledge that she was still alive and breathing.

The emergency hatch to the methane environment, normally sealed, had drifted open, dissipating the nauseating atmosphere through the rest of the ship.

I prefer to concentrate on maintaining the high standards of my Halls without dissipating effort on frivolous pursuits.

The wet-stone smell of just-sluiced streets mingled with the piquant tang of orangesweet, dissipating the feral odors of sweat and fear.

The third member of the vodyanoi strike committee fell squirming into the mire, the water dissipating in arcing spray.

The great beast hovered over the city, saliva dissipating in various dimensions below it.

The fire unfolded in an oily wash, dissipating before it touched the moth’s flesh.

The hex strokes burst against their victims, dissipating across their skin in crackling veins.