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The Collaborative International Dictionary

dissimulation \dis*sim`u*la"tion\, n. [L. dissimulatio: cf. F. dissimulation.] The act of dissembling; a hiding under a false appearance; concealment by feigning; false pretension; hypocrisy.

Let love be without dissimulation.
--Rom. xii. 9.

Dissimulation . . . when a man lets fall signs and arguments that he is not that he is.

Simulation is a pretense of what is not, and dissimulation a concealment of what is.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French dissimulation (12c.), from Latin dissimulationem (nominative dissimulatio) "a disguising, concealment," noun of action from past participle stem of dissimulare "make unlike, conceal, disguise," from dis- "completely" + simulare "pretend, assume, simulate" (see simulation).


n. 1 The act of concealing the truth; hypocrisy or deception. 2 Hiding one's feelings or purposes.


n. the act of deceiving [syn: deception, deceit, dissembling]


Dissimulation (from Latin dissimulāre) is concealment of one's thoughts, feelings, or character.

Dissimulation (album)

Dissimulation is the first studio album from Hope for the Dying. Facedown Records released the album on April 26, 2011.

Usage examples of "dissimulation".

Such was the deplorable weakness of government, that the emperor was unable to revenge his murdered friend and his insulted dignity, without stooping to the arts of patience and dissimulation.

Every eye, and every tongue, affected to express their sense of the general happiness, and the veil of ceremony and dissimulation was drawn for a while over the darkest designs of revenge and murder.

At that moment, giving way suddenly to the violence of her feelings, and tired of her assumed dissimulation, she warmly locks me in her arms at the very instant of the voluptuous crisis, smothers me with kisses, shares my raptures, and love blends our souls in the most ecstatic enjoyment.

The marquis, who was no lover of dissimulation, began to laugh, and the countess, fearing he would cover her with ridicule, hastened to change the conversation.

This air of indifference, which imposed upon the worthy Dodsley, was certainly nothing but a specimen of that dissimulation which Lord Chesterfield inculcated as one of the most essential lessons for the conduct of life.

We remained thus for a fortnight, without ever alluding to the matter which engrossed all our thoughts, but our silence was not caused by dissimulation, or by any feeling contrary to our mutual esteem and friendship.

Whoever failed in respect towards them in the slightest manner was sure of disgrace, and no king ever possessed to a greater extent the grand royal virtue which is called dissimulation.

Elles ne valent rien, elles sont faites d’un cote, d’un os courbe, d’une dissimulation rentree.

The interested views, the selfish and angry passions, the arts of perfidy and dissimulation, the secret corruption, the open and even bloody violence which had formerly disgraced the freedom of election in the commonwealths of Greece and Rome, too often influenced the choice of the successors of the apostles.

More discords, and more jealousies, More murmurs, and more novelties, And more dissimulations, And feigned reparations.

I had already observed at Balbec that, side by side with that childlike sincerity of his face, the skin of which by its transparence rendered visible the sudden tide of certain emotions, hi sbody had been admirably trained to perform a certain number of well-bred dissimulations, and that, like a consummate actor, he could, in his regimental and in his social life, play alternately quite different parts.

But in order to become so, there is need for great heedfulness, a complete knowledge of present relations, constant observation of all persons, impenetrable dissimulation, and lastly, above all things, a very intimate and profound knowledge of the king, of the history of his reign, and of his character.

Both young women, and Nan dy Vrit, who sat sewing, wore the blacks and lavenders of strict formal court mourning, a prudent dissimulation of which Cazaril approved.

The worship of images was triumphantly restored: the patriarch renounced his dissimulation, or dissembled his sentiments and the righteous claims of the usurper was acknowledged, both in the new, and in ancient, Rome.

He was sick even of simple dissimulation, dissimulation at one level, and he longed to be shot of it, to be able to speak openly to any man or woman he happened to like: or to dislike, for that matter.