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The Collaborative International Dictionary

dissimulating \dissimulating\ adj. concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive.

Syn: dissembling, dissimulative.


vb. (present participle of dissimulate English)


adj. concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive; "dissimulative arts" [syn: dissembling, dissimulative]

Usage examples of "dissimulating".

My Hellenism was cause for amusement, the more so in that ineptly I alternated between dissimulating and displaying it.

These things I mention, because many, ignorant of past things, and some also dissimulating what they know, if in Christian times they see any war protracted a little longer than they expected, straightway make a fierce and insolent attack on our religion, exclaiming that, but for it, the deities would have been supplicated still, according to ancient rites.

It is evident, however, that he hunted out and pursued, with a wonderful pleasantness of style and argument, and with a most pointed and insinuating urbanity, the foolishness of ignorant men, who thought that they knew this or that,-sometimes confessing his own ignorance, and sometimes dissimulating his knowledge, even in those very moral questions to which he seems to have directed the whole force of his mind.

For, as Plato liked and constantly affected the well-known method of his master Socrates, namely, that of dissimulating his knowledge or his opinions, it is not easy to discover dearly what he himself thought on various matters, any more than it is to discover what were the real opinions of Socrates.

When he introduced them, Hope put considerable energy into dissimulating her astonishment and contempt.

Louis Bonaparte had had dissimulating ministers such as Magne and Rouher.

It showed the artifact, still partially cloaked in its dissimulating synthetic atmosphere.