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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dissentious \Dis*sen"tious\, a. Marked by dissensions; apt to breed discord; quarrelsome; contentious; factious. -- Dis*sen"tious*ly, adv.


a. 1 Marked by dissensions; contentious 2 dissenting


adj. dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion) [syn: divisive, factious]

Usage examples of "dissentious".

What's the matter, you dissentious rogues,That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion,Make yourselves scabs?

This sour informer, this bate-breeding spy,This canker that eats up Love's tender spring,This carry-tale, dissentious Jealousy,That sometime true news, sometime false doth bring,Knocks at my heat and whispers in mine earThat if I love thee, I thy death should fear: And more than so, presenteth to mine eyeThe picture of an angry-chafing boar,Under whose sharp fangs on his back doth lieAn image like thyself, all stain'd with gore.