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n. (misspelling of dissension English)

Usage examples of "dissention".

He dressed, had his coffee, and descended to the Staging Hall where, after a savage skirmish with the peeper Customs Man (Tension, apprehension, and dissention have begun!

As bloody as some of the fighting was, it has failed and it has allowed us to root out those forces of dissention from among us.

But the prospect for more open defiance and dissention was too great and the meeting ended without any of those things transpiring.

Despite the overwhelming advantage of the enemy, despite so many brave and loyal patriots for Chinese freedom who had been tortured and killed, despite dissention from within when the times had been hardest…the resistance movement had survived and it had grown.

Yes, death and dissention and violent disagreement were still present, but they could always be explained if not justified.

If the Jem Hadar were indeed inthe first stages of withdrawal, the harassment, or eventhe stubbornness, of the Starfleet team could irritatethem into dissention.