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The Collaborative International Dictionary

disseminating \disseminating\ adj. serving to diffuse, disseminate, or disperse.

Syn: diffusing(prenominal), diffusive, dispersive, disseminative, scattering, spreading.


vb. (present participle of disseminate English)


adj. spreading by diffusion [syn: diffusing(a), diffusive, dispersive, disseminative, scattering, spreading]

Usage examples of "disseminating".

Let's face it: Hollywood is an unsurpassed tool for disseminating propaganda, and the Commies are the subtlest, most cruelly intelligent foe America has ever faced.

The "dead" perimeter had been expanding ever since they landed as if knowledge of the intruders had been slowly disseminating among the indigenous animals.

She had better not be laggard with the tidings to Nesso who would relish disseminating information of such caliber.

Lord Holder Groghe had tried his not insignificant best to get one for Fort Hold but until the Smith Craft, or the new Computer Craft could duplicate the components, distribution was restricted to those disseminating information.

We'll be back to have you initial the dialogue you attribute to Minear's disseminating of the Party line.

Bedevilled by limited financial resources, they regard the new medium as a cost effective way of disseminating their messages.

The munitions Iraq employed in the past, particularly its aerial bombs and missile warheads, were poor devices for disseminating CW.