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The Collaborative International Dictionary

disseminated \dis*sem"i*na`ted\, p. a. (Min.) Occurring in small portions scattered through some other substance; scattered widely.

  1. 1 spread around; widespread 2 (context medicine English) spread over a wide area of the body or of an organ v

  2. (en-past of: disseminate)

Usage examples of "disseminated".

The fact that it disseminated was because of her immunological problem.

By the end of the week he knew there was no mother lode of tin in-side the rock, but suspected what geologists called a disseminated deposit.

He went right around the mountain again three times, and his observations confirmed the disseminated deposit, the ever-present stringers of white in the dark gray rock.

The hill contained a widely disseminated deposit of mineral in apparently evenly consistent presence throughout the rock, which was of igneous type and millions of years older than the sandstone and ragstone of the mountains that surrounded it.

If he didn't want knowledge about the cause of the plague disseminated, then he must have been a Moldy.

When a cure is found, Tony will see that the letter is widely disseminated, just as the cure is.

I would not wissh them widely disseminated until proper accreditation had been prepared.

Could it be that it was not yet widely disseminated among the administration staff?

Tawni Kondo's immensely popular exercise program spontaneously disseminated daily in all three O.

As in, quote, "Before many thousands of shocked subscribers, newly elected Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe and an aide, guarded by no fewer than a dozen units of the Domestic Detail's elite mounted Cuirassiers, nevertheless heard the squeak last night during a spontaneously disseminated address at the lakeside resort of Pointe Clare.

This information is then disseminated to the troops through the commercial Global Broadcast System (GBS) onto "set-top" boxes, an enabling technology that was developed commercially.

Finally, the information, once processed, will be of little use if not disseminated to the right people in a timely fashion.