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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But there came the disquieting thought that my opinion didn't matter.
▪ But tonight even that shameful memory was replaced by more recent and more disquieting visions.
▪ Fact, in this instance, is far stranger and more profoundly disquieting than anything in the annals of fiction.
▪ Hadn't he shown a rather disquieting interest in all the details of the demolished cottage?
▪ He smiles a hello, but his eyes only touch mine briefly, a disquieting sign.
▪ Mark, too, after the slightly disquieting observations about Roman Catholic priests, seemed to have removed himself from her.
▪ That was the reason for her disquieting responses to the beautiful gifts and the disturbing change in her.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disquiet \Dis*qui"et\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disquieted; p. pr. & vb. n. Disquieting.] To render unquiet; to deprive of peace, rest, or tranquility; to make uneasy or restless; to disturb.

Why art thou cast down, O my soul, and why art thou disquieted within me?
--Ps. xlii. 11.

As quiet as these disquieted times will permit.
--Sir W. Scott.

Syn: To harass; disturb; vex; fret; excite; agitate.

  1. Causing mental trouble or anguish; upsetting; making uneasy. n. The act by which someone or something is disquieted. v

  2. (present participle of disquiet English)


adj. causing mental discomfort; "the disquieting sounds of nearby gunfire"

Usage examples of "disquieting".

Before the next operation came off an invasion of the Wakde-Sarmi area on 17 May the disquieting discovery had been made that heavy bombers could not use the Lake Sentani airfields, and that no site suitable for them existed in Dutch New Guinea, short of Biak Island.

Senator was following this byplay with an interest Margaret found disquieting, and she felt her cheeks redden.

Not once did it strike Domini as strange that she should go far out into the desert with a man of whom she knew nothing, but in whom she had noticed disquieting peculiarities.

Suzanne was happy to break off from the disquieting image of the fixated child.

Clinton scandals of one sort or another have been threatened, beaten, and even murdered in disquieting numbers.

Republicans for what has happened and believe that equitable taxation will be restored if only the Democrats can win back the White House, there is this disquieting feet: The turning point on tax politics, when the inonied elites first began to win big, occurred in 1978 with the Democratic party fully in power and well before Ronald Reagan came to Washington, Democratic majorities have supported this great shift in tax burden every step of the way.

He thought of her - still as from a distance at which Estella had placed him - and knew that she not only had a disquieting beauty, but cleverness and courage, which are qualities that outlast beauty and make a woman powerful for ever.

As he followed the girls down the long corridors, stairs and hallways, Storn was quietly evaluating the poise, the strength and the obvious telepathic awareness of this very young girl, and coming up with a disquieting answer.

He was making a tour of the Province, but it was obvious that he had gone out of his way to visit Pontiac, for there were disquieting rumours in the air concerning the loyalty of the district.

The expression of calculation in his eyes, adding up pieces of information that had nothing to do with Rudy or with maintaining a role, troubled Rudy with a disquieting sense that the old man was too calm about it, too matter-of-fact.

Captain Mapstone sat silhouetted against the night sky, as unmoving as a Weapon, and watching her with an intensity that was disquieting.

Suddenly it was as though he were back on Whirlygig, experiencing that familiar and disquieting fall into blackness.

Darkover comforted her with its near-familiarity, but she found it disquieting as well.

Regis looked as if he'd had the same nightmare-ridden sleep I had, and he was fully barriered against me-a new thing, and a disquieting one.

Regis looked as if he'd had the same nightmare-ridden sleep I had, and he was fully barriered against me—a new thing, and a disquieting one.