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The Collaborative International Dictionary
disposable razor

Razor \Ra"zor\ (r[=a]"z[~e]r), n. [OE. rasour, OF. rasur, LL. rasor: cf. F. rasoir, LL. rasorium. See Raze, v. t., Rase, v. t.]

  1. A keen-edged knife of peculiar shape, used in shaving the hair from the face or the head; also called a straight razor. ``Take thee a barber's razor.''
    --Ezek. v. 1.

  2. a device used for shaving, having a replaceable blade with a very sharp edge; also called safety razor. Also a similar device, made of plastic, in which the blade is neither replaceable nor can be sharpened, intended to be discarded after the blade dulls -- called a disposable razor.

  3. (Zo["o]l.) A tusk of a wild boar. Razor fish. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. A small Mediterranean fish ( Coryph[ae]na novacula), prized for the table.

    2. The razor shell.

      Razor grass (Bot.), a West Indian plant ( Scleria scindens), the triangular stem and the leaves of which are edged with minute sharp teeth.

      Razor grinder (Zo["o]l.), the European goat-sucker.

      Razor shell (Zo["o]l.), any marine bivalve shell belonging to Solen and allied genera, especially Solen ensis (or Ensatella ensis), and Solen Americana, which have a long, narrow, somewhat curved shell, resembling a razor handle in shape. Called also razor clam, razor fish, knife handle.

      Razor stone. Same as Novaculite.

      Razor strap, or razor strop, a strap or strop used in sharpening razors.

Usage examples of "disposable razor".

Skinner sat on the edge of his bed, scraping his face pink with a disposable razor, rinsing the blade in a dented aluminum basin that he cradled between his thighs.

He took out a disposable razor, shook out some shave cream Chika had purchased at the 7-Eleven, scraped the stubble off his face.

Inside was a clean shirt, a toothbrush and toothpaste in a case, and disposable razor.

I awoke to the smells of coffee perking and bacon frying, showered, shaved with a disposable razor she'd laid out for me, then got dressed and joined her at a pine plank table in the kitchen.

The congressman squirmed on the bed as he examined the illicit treasure: a pink disposable razor.

Fate put his disposable razor back into her utility belt and produced a steel throwing star.

He did it in the old-fashioned way, with a shaving cup and brush, the disposable razor his only concession to modernity.

Somebody had supplemented his toothbrush with a tube of toothpaste and a disposable razor and a can of shaving cream.

Edward showered in a clean, virtually unused stall, then shaved himself with a disposable razor in a mirror long enough to accommodate fifteen or twenty men.

He opened the bread bag and shook out the contents: disposable razor, a sliver of soap, toothbrush.