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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Displacency \Dis*pla"cen*cy\, n. [LL. displacentia, for L. displicentia, fr. displicere to displease; dis- + placere to please. See Displease, and cf. Displeasance.] Want of complacency or gratification; envious displeasure; dislike. [Obs.]
--Sir T. Browne.


n. (context obsolete English) Lack of complacency or gratification; envious displeasure; dislike.

Usage examples of "displacency".

Anxiety, hypochondria, displacency, melancholia, costive, delicate stomachs - the ills of the city merchant increased tenfold.

And therefore Temperate Minds, not pressing their pleasures until the sting appeareth, enjoy their contentations contentedly, and without regret, and so escape the folly of excess, to be pleased unto displacency.