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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dispersed \Dis*persed"\, a. Scattered. -- Dis*pers"ed*ly, adv. -- Dis*pers"ed*ness, n.

Dispersed harmony (Mus.), harmony in which the tones composing the chord are widely separated, as by an octave or more.


Disperse \Dis*perse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dispersed; p. pr. & vb. n. Dispersing.] [L. dispersus, p. p. of dispergere to strew, scatter. See Sparse.]

  1. To scatter abroad; to drive to different parts; to distribute; to diffuse; to spread; as, the Jews are dispersed among all nations.

    The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.
    --Prov. xv. 7.

    Two lions, in the still, dark night, A herd of beeves disperse.

  2. To scatter, so as to cause to vanish; to dissipate; as, to disperse vapors.

    Dispersed are the glories.

    Syn: To scatter; dissipate; dispel; spread; diffuse; distribute; deal out; disseminate.


vb. (en-past of: disperse)


adj. distributed or spread over a considerable extent; "has ties with many widely dispersed friends"; "eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe" [syn: spread]

Usage examples of "dispersed".

The special rounds had dispersed airburst aerosols that congealed into vast translucent sheets.

And reports were just coming in from overhead imagery that the transports had unloaded the ZIL-85 antiair defense systems vehicles and that they were already being dispersed about the island, hidden under the canopy of trees in the interior.

Meanwhile, light shines from the sun and stars, and when dispersed through the Archaeus forms fire.

He remembered the Roman had left with Lady Alphina and Rufus as soon as the gathering dispersed.

With luck you might capture the hive, but mostly, spent and demoralized, the bees dispersed in the woods to die.

For the most part the crowd dispersed at evening but others would trek to Bethabara the next day.

Journey to Calvary was dispersed, but it was some time, doubtless, between 1600 and 1644.

French Cameroons, and thereafter the ships and transports could be dispersed or return home.

But it may be added, that should our own citizens, more enterprizing than wise, become desirous of settling this country, and emigrate thither, it must not only be attended with all the injuries of a too widely dispersed population, but, by adding to the great weight of the western part of our territory, must hasten the dismemberment of a large portion of our country, or a dissolution of the government.

But if, reverend Judges, you deem this equipoised, indifferent lanthorn to be indeed blameworthy for having shown in the same moment, side by side, the skull and the fair face, the burdock and the tiger-lily, the butterfly and toad, then, most reverend Judges, punish it, but do not punish this old man, for he himself is but a flume of smoke, thistle down dispersed-- nothing!

A little adjustment of the fine focus and there they were: a sea of bland erythrocytes with the much more interesting white cells dispersed across the field like little jewels.

Yet by evenfall the city was still in turmoil, though Bronn reported that the fires were quenched and most of the roving mobs dispersed.

In a public epistle to the nation or community of the Jews, dispersed through the provinces, he pities their misfortunes, condemns their oppressors, praises their constancy, declares himself their gracious protector, and expresses a pious hope, that after his return from the Persian war, he may be permitted to pay his grateful vows to the Almighty in his holy city of Jerusalem.

Seeing her every day, I had dispersed my amorous fancies, and friendship and gratitude seemed to have vanquished all other feelings, for I was obliged to confess that this charming girl had lavished on me the most tender and assiduous care.

The shriller bark of the eight-pounders and carronades the schooners carried ended the exercise, leaving only a fogbank of powder smoke drifting eastward as it dispersed.