The Collaborative International Dictionary
Dispend \Dis*pend"\, v. t. [OF. despendre, L. dispendere to
weigh out, dispense; dis- + pendere to weigh. See Pension,
Spend, and cf. Dispense.]
To spend; to lay out; to expend. [Obs.]
Able to dispend yearly twenty pounds and above.
vb. 1 (context obsolete English) To spend or expend. 2 (context obsolete English) To waste or squander. 3 (context obsolete English) To distribute or dispense.
Usage examples of "dispend".
And how that he dispended bad his good, And if that he increased were or non.
Well may he be sorry then, that oweth all his life to God, as long as he hath lived, and also as long as he shall live, that no goodness hath to pay with his debt to God, to whom he oweth all his life: for trust well he shall give account, as saith Saint Bernard, of all the goods that have been given him in his present life, and how he hath them dispended, insomuch that there shall not perish an hair of his head, nor a moment of an hour shall not perish of his time, that he shall not give thereof a reckoning.
I have my body foolishly dispended, Blessed be God that it shall be amended.
Her rich array it mighte not be told, As well in vessel as in her clothing: She was all clad in pierrie* and in gold, *jewellery And eke she *lefte not,* for no hunting, *did not neglect* To have of sundry tongues full knowing, When that she leisure had, and for t'intend* *apply To learne bookes was all her liking, How she in virtue might her life dispend.
For every man and woman did his might This day in mirth and revel to dispend, Till on the welkin* shone the starres bright: *firmament For more solemn in every mannes sight This feaste was, and greater of costage,* *expense Than was the revel of her marriage.