The Collaborative International Dictionary
Dispence \Dis*pence"\, v. i. & n. See Dispense. [Obs.]
vb. (obsolete form of dispense English)
Usage examples of "dispence".
And if that he may not, paraventure, Or elles list not such dispence endure, But thinketh it is wasted and y-lost, Then must another paye for our cost, Or lend us gold, and that is perilous.
Pleasance and Hope, Desire, Foolhardiness, Beauty and Youth, and Bawdry and Richess, Charms and Sorc'ry, Leasings* and Flattery, *falsehoods Dispence, Business, and Jealousy, That wore of yellow goldes* a garland, *sunflowers And had a cuckoo sitting on her hand, Feasts, instruments, and caroles and dances, Lust and array, and all the circumstances Of Love, which I reckon'd and reckon shall In order, were painted on the wall, And more than I can make of mention.
And old and angry niggards of dispence,* *expense God send them soon a very pestilence!
A wife he had of excellent beauty, And *companiable and revellous* was she, *fond of society and Which is a thing that causeth more dispence merry making* Than worth is all the cheer and reverence That men them do at feastes and at dances.
Free was Dan John, and namely* of dispence,** *especially **spending As in that house, and full of diligence To do pleasance, and also *great costage.
His louely words her seemd due recompenceOf all her passed paines: one louing howreFor many yeares of sorrow can dispence:A dram of sweet is worth a pound of sowre:She has forgot, how many a wofull stowreFor him she late endur'd.
It was a vaut ybuilt for great dispence,With many raunges reard along the wall.
Yet still he striues, ne any perill spares,To reskue her from their rude violence,And like a Lion wood amongst them fares,Dealing his dreadfull blowes with large dispence,Gainst which the pallid death findes no defence.
Explicit secunda pars Sequitur pars tercia I trowe men wolde deme it necligence, If I foryete to tellen the dispence Of Theseus, that gooth so bisily To maken up the lystes roially.
And olde and angry nygardes of dispence, God sende hem soone verray pestilence!
If thou be foul, be fre of thy dispence, To gete thee freendes ay do thy travaille, Be ay of chiere as light as leef on lynde, And lat hym care, and wepe, and wryng, and waille.