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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dispassionate \Dis*pas"sion*ate\, a.

  1. Free from passion; not warped, prejudiced, swerved, or carried away by passion or feeling; judicial; calm; composed.

    Wise and dispassionate men.

  2. Not dictated by passion; not proceeding from temper or bias; impartial; as, dispassionate proceedings; a dispassionate view.

    Syn: Calm; cool; composed serene; unimpassioned; temperate; moderate; impartial; unruffled. -- Dis*pas"sion*ate*ly, adv. -- Dis*pas"sion*ate*ness, n.


adv. in a dispassionate manner


adv. in an impartially dispassionate manner; "although he was looking at the other girl, he did so dispassionately"

Usage examples of "dispassionately".

Healey had never claimed himself a litterateur and so could evaluate the matter dispassionately.

But the strange accent kept explaining dispassionately that the pills were no longer necessary.

Jeremy, quite dispassionately, that ten or a dozen stings from the stock of these apiaries were very commonly enough to kill an adult human.

A good place for banshees, she thought dispassionately, looking out over the icy wastes below her, on either side of the ridge, but even they would have starved to death centuries ago.

By the saints, as dispassionately as he matched his broodmares, her da had locked her in the stables with three hot-blooded studs and gone visiting.

The Rejects moved among the wounded, dispassionately finishing off the enemy and doing what they could for their own kind.

Stamboul in an araba drawn by horses, when calmly and dispassionately considered, would appear to be perfectly consistent with the maintenance of the Mahometan religion as by law established.

It did not occur to her to deny what was so obviously and axiomatically and dispassionately true.

Good, he thought dispassionately, applauding the choice, and he hit the gear lever of the Rolls, double declutching into a lower gear to build up revolutions for the turn.

I have had," she continued dispassionately, "at least two major brainstorms in the last five years, and the Flower only knows"-her fingers went to the bit of Trillium embedded in amber in the Talisman about her neck—"how many minor ones.

It was almost like combat fatigue, she realized, as if he'd fought so many battles against the jeune ecole that he could no longer summon the detachment to consider the WDB proposals dispassionately.

In this we were like many other natural operants who came after us, our successes and tragedies blending into the ongoing evolutionary trend of the planetary Mind studied so dispassionately by the scientists of the Galactic Milieu.

He let rip a long jolting burst, left to right, at the bobbing line of heads that had suddenly appeared to his right, over the rear end of the war wag, watching dispassionately as they burst apart like so much rotten fruit.

She had overridden her own reluctance to go out in the company of a non-singer, however dispassionately involved with the singing of crystal.

His mind was working coldly, dispassionately, without rancor, but with contempt for the weakness and promiscuousness of his father.