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The Collaborative International Dictionary

disparagingly \dis*par"a*ging*ly\, adv. In a manner to disparage or dishonor; slightingly.


adv. insultingly


adv. in a disparaging manner; "these mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging `only to a story'" [syn: slightingly]

Usage examples of "disparagingly".

In all the surviving record of official and private papers pertaining to the Continental Congress, there is only one member or eyewitness to events in Philadelphia in 1776 who wrote disparagingly of John Adams, and that was Adams writing long years afterward.

I checked with Santa Claus upstairs,' he said, flicking his head disparagingly towards Bidde's office on the tenth floor.

Girls branded as I was were already spoken of on Gor, rather disparagingly, as "dinas.

Tsung had had it relayed to him disparagingly that most of these dishes were southern Chinese cookery and that true cookery had evolved in the north during the Ch'ing Dynasty when his family took care of things.

Tsung had had it relayed to him disparagingly that most of these dishes were southern Chinese cookery and that true cookery had evolved in the north during the Ch’.

I have oft heard French and Germans alike speak disparagingly of the Netherlands, likening the country to a gutter that collects all the refuse and fœces of Christendom, but lacks the vigor to force it out to sea, so that it piles up in a bar around Rotterdam.