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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disparagement \Dis*par"age*ment\, n. [Cf. OF. desparagement.]

  1. Matching any one in marriage under his or her degree; injurious union with something of inferior excellence; a lowering in rank or estimation. [Eng.]

    And thought that match a foul disparagement.

  2. Injurious comparison with an inferior; a depreciating or dishonoring opinion or insinuation; diminution of value; dishonor; indignity; reproach; disgrace; detraction; -- commonly with to.

    It ought to be no disparagement to a star that it is not the sun.

    Imitation is a disparagement and a degradation in a Christian minister.
    --I. Taylor.

    Syn: Indignity; derogation; detraction; reproach; dishonor; debasement; degradation; disgrace.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 15c., from Old French desparagement, from desparagier (see disparage).


n. The act of disparaging, of belittling.

  1. n. a communication that belittles somebody or something [syn: depreciation, derogation]

  2. the act of speaking contemptuously of [syn: dispraise]


Disparagement, in United States trademark law, is a statutory cause of action that permits a party to petition the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to cancel a trademark registration that "may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt or disrepute." Unlike claims regarding the validity of the mark, a disparagement claim can be brought "at any time," subject to equitable defenses such as laches.

Usage examples of "disparagement".

By disparagement, by starvation, by repressions, forced direction, and the stunning hammerblows of conditioning, the free, roving mind is being pursued, roped, blunted, drugged.

Malipiero would often inquire from me what advantages were accruing to me from the welcome I received at the hands of the respectable ladies I had become acquainted with at his house, taking care to tell me, before I could have time to answer, that they were all endowed with the greatest virtue, and that I would give everybody a bad opinion of myself, if I ever breathed one word of disparagement to the high reputation they all enjoyed.

That I went about to several conventicles in the county, to the great disparagement of the government of the church of England, etc.

In a little while Dr. Percy said something more in disparagement of Pennant.

As a matter of course, the personal and intellectual attractions of Stevens underwent no little disparagement as soon as this fact was known.

Smallweed's favourite adjective of disparagement is so close to his tongue that he begins the words "my dear friend" with the monosyllable "brim," thus converting the possessive pronoun into brimmy and appearing to have an impediment in his speech.

See, Capolin, the fair Arabian king, That hath been disappointed by this slave Of my fair daughter and his princely love, May have fresh warning to go war with us, And be reveng'd for her disparagement.

They called them “strangers” or, even worse, “coofs,” a term of disparagement originally reserved for Cape Codders but broadened to include all of those unlucky enough to have been born on the mainland.

So far he has spat in my hat when it was presumably out of his reach on the cloak rack in the hail, referred to me with various disparagements, of which "Here's that dude in the derby again!

So far he has spat in my hat when it was presum­ably out of his reach on the cloak rack in the hail, re­ferred to me with various disparagements, of which “Here’s that dude in the derby again!

I find myself remembering the days when the Brotherlees owned The Cedars -- not that I have anything to say in disparagement of the Haswells, very estimable people, I am sure, but not, it must be owned, quite like the Brotherlees.

And therefore they call him the Little Master when he is absent, that through seeming disparagement of his Master the novice may feel less fear.

Overkraut told the sergeant and the tape and God knows who else, adding no remark about the richness or famousness of the householder called Fairbanks, and no disparagement voiced about householders packing heat.

They claimed that Oprah and Howard Lyman violated a Texas statute that prohibits the false disparagement of perishable food products.

Sometimes envy or disparagement tinged these epithets - until he 'ported in the next supply drones when he was again in favour with all.