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The Collaborative International Dictionary

disorienting \disorienting\ adj. 1. causing disorientation: causing confusion of directions. Also See: unoriented. Antonym: orienting


vb. (present participle of disorient English)


adj. causing loss of physical or intellectual bearings; "making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting"; "a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting" [ant: orienting]

Usage examples of "disorienting".

I know it's disorienting - no, I've never been through it myself, but I've taken care of many patients who have, What you must do is accept that you've suffered a trauma, and learn to live your life again.

When the inner beacon, unanswered, tripped the relays that set every light in the control rooms blinking in disorienting random patterns, his first thought was that he'd simply missed the outer beacon signal.

At the same time the worm program unleashed by Polyon squirmed deeper into her system, changing and mutating code as it went, erasing its own tracks so that she could only tell where it had been by the sudden flares of disorienting sense input or the garbled mathematics where it had been.

There was the usual disorienting lurch as they passed out of station gravity.

I find it very disorienting to make statements that are contrary to the facts.

White snowy ground underfoot, white sky overhead, and white haze and snowfall obscuring any other features of the surroundings, whiteout was disorienting and dangerous.

Visibility steadily diminished as the snow thickened into a disorienting, drifting, solid wall.

It was a somewhat disorienting transformation, making her seem like two different people sharing one face.

In the disorienting sweep of darkness, they would fixate on following the glowing handprints on her horse's rump, thinking one of their gifted had gotten close enough to mark her horse for them.

It was disorienting for him to see woods and fields of lush green vegetation in the dead of winter.

The dense wood was thick with the trees, their peeling white bark covered with dark blotches making it disorienting and difficult to make sense of anything.

It was disorienting to see the panoply of color where before he had seen only brown dirt and green winter rye.

She had become a wife, a widow, and now a wife again with disorienting speed.

All he could go on was his own sense of direction, and he had to fight to ignore the disorienting swirl of snow.

I know it is disorienting for you and nearly impossible to keep your eyes closed.