Crossword clues for disorient
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Disorient \Dis*o"ri*ent\, v. t.
To turn away from the east; to confuse as to which way is east; to cause to lose one's bearings. [R.]
--Bp. cause (a person) to lose one's sense of direction; to cause to lose one's bearings or way; as, the tourist was disoriented by the winding and narrow streets.
(Psychiatry) to cause one to lose one's sense of time or place, or of one's own personal identity.
to confuse (a person) by changing or removing something which has served as a standard or guide to action; as, workers were rendered unemployed and disoriented by the rapid changes in the markets.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
vb. 1 To cause to lose orientation or direction. 2 To confuse or befuddle.
v. cause to be lost or disoriented [syn: disorientate] [ant: orient]
Usage examples of "disorient".
But the Azerbaijani man sighed and made a comment that in its simplicity and precision of vocal gesture seemed both to reprise my thoughts and to invest them with the pathos common to all those disoriented by the test of life.
It would be difficult for an adult without the most thorough knowledge of bushcraft not to become disoriented and lost in a strange part of the country where the landscape is filled with thick undergrowth and without the sun to guide the way.
It was disorienting, and her hindbrain waited to plummet to her death.
Probably they became disoriented in the horizonless darkness, with the occasional single lights of planes and ships the only reference, and flew into the ocean.
It was oddly disorienting to see Ophion stop at the edge of day, but that is just what it did.
Taps reported in left and right by physical line, taps made ill and disoriented by a strike, this time on every channel.
Willing herself to swallow her dread, Ula opened her eyes and realized she had become hopelessly disoriented.
For a terrified moment he was disoriented and did not notice the three others standing in the maze of vats and tables.
The fire hurt his eyes, creating afterimages that disoriented him and made him feel as if he were again in astral form.
Thoroughly disoriented as well as weakened, the freed centauroids swam across the river and wandered into the forest.
Sulu, recently injured and disoriented as he must be, slip past them into the alien conduits and be lost.
Suddenly, their receptors overloaded by massive electric discharges all along the defensive line, the Fighters were disoriented.
Such gyrations would disorient and panic prey, squeeze air from the lungs.
Jaybirds had been at two disadvantages when the attack occurred: most of their number were unconscious or disoriented, and, secure in the knowledge that hooters never dared to attack Jaybird bands, the shepherds had set up the communion in an open, paved spot.
And, when he finally managed to open his receptors, he was disoriented.