vb. To make less organised; to reduce to chaos.
v. remove the organization from [syn: disorganize] [ant: organize, organize]
Usage examples of "disorganise".
The Boers, a great disorganised cloud of horsemen, swept swiftly along the northern bank of the Vaal, seeking for a place to cross, while the British rode furiously after them, spraying them with shrapnel at every opportunity.
The tendency of the British had been to treat their antagonists as a broken and disorganised banditti, but with the breaking of the spring they were sharply reminded that the burghers were still capable of a formidable and coherent effort.
It is a disorganised conflict of fear, vindictiveness, anger and an awful stubborness.
I figured these rebels were dumb, but when I found out they were not only dumb but disorganised, I knew that I had it made.
Makartur and Flame, his would-be killers from his immediate past, were standing and talking to the demi-prelate and his stunned and disorganised aides.
We hurt them badly above Gorkenfort, and for months the Skraeling masses were scattered all over Ichtar, too disorganised to push further south.
Axis had worked tirelessly over the past five weeks and Sigholt had rapidly been turned from a slightly disorganised rebel base composed of disparate elements, into the seeds of a unified kingdom.
She had no doubt that Charles, once his disorganised plans had been adjusted to his wishes, would forget.
He complained that she was disorganised, forgetful, useless, a lousy housekeeper.
In the dark tangled forest the companies of spearmen were soon splintered and disorganised, leaving a heaving mass of men struggling and fighting for their very lives with opponents they could barely make out.
And there was nothing in the room that might have been used as a lever, except, perhaps, one of the bedpoststo obtain which would have meant disorganising the whole of the barricade.
As for the daguerreotypist, she had read a paragraph in a penny paper, the other day, accusing him of making a speech full of wild and disorganising matter, at a meeting of his banditti-like associates.
While the executioner was burning upon the chief staircase of the Palais de Justice the grand liberating books of the century, writers now forgotten were publishing, with the privilege of the king, many strangely disorganising writings greedily read by the outcast.
The frigate's hands had been particularly gratified by the presence, the temporary presence, of an undoubtedly certificated parson, an admirable preacher, and as he took his seat in the bosun's chair, a kindly device that would raise him from the deck, swing him out over the side and so lower him into the boat without any exertion or ability on his own part, a disorganised cheer arose, gaining in unity and volume as the barge pulled over to the packet, where Hare's shipmates, aware of his weakness, had already rigged another chair to bring him aboard.
Nothing mortal, probably, a deer poached here and there, a hen lifted, nothing that could not be plausibly talked out of court, in these somewhat disorganised days when in many places the kings foresters had little time or inclination to impose the rigours of forest law.