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n. (plural of dismount English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: dismount)

Usage examples of "dismounts".

The Spidlarian trooperwatching from the saddleguffaws as Dorrin dismounts and recovers the knife.

Dorrin dismounts and, holding the reins, peers toward the end of the narrow shed.

The youth falls, moaning, and the trooper dismounts and reaches him before he can move.

She dismounts again, and lifts away the ragged trousers, binding the long slash in his leg.

Brede dismounts, hands his reins to Kadara, heaves the older highwayman onto one horse, almost effortlessly, and then sets the youth on the second.

Dorrin dismounts, leaving his staff in the lanceholder, and follows them onto the porch.

Brede follows her glance, then dismounts and hands her the reins to the gelding.

Dorrin dismounts and leads Meriwhen into the barn, still grinning at the thought of Vaos gardening.

He finally dismounts, tying Meriwhen to the only rail he can find outside the long one-story building.

Dorrin dismounts and leads Meriwhen toward the barn, letting his senses guide him.

There he dismounts and ties Meriwhen to a shrub behind an empty shed on the deserted herder's holding.

Dorrin dismounts and uses his small sledge, taken from Liedral's cart, to pound in the iron tether stake.

He helps Liedral down and then dismounts, prodding the grass and scuffing away the shallow layer of dirt until he reaches stoneflat stone.

Lorn dismounts, ties the chestnut to one of the hitching rings on the sunstone post below the steps to the stone-framed door, and checks his sabre.

While they gather, Lorn dismounts and checks his maps, and then hands the chestnut's reins to one of the younger new lancers.