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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dismember \Dis*mem"ber\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dismembered; p. pr. & vb. n. Dismembering.] [OF. desmembrer, F. d['e]membrer; pref. des- (L. dis) + OF. & F. membre limb. See Member.]

  1. To tear limb from limb; to dilacerate; to disjoin member from member; to tear or cut in pieces; to break up.

    Fowls obscene dismembered his remains.

    A society lacerated and dismembered.

    By whose hands the blow should be struck which would dismember that once mighty empire.

  2. To deprive of membership. [Obs.]

    They were dismembered by vote of the house.
    --R. North.

    Syn: To disjoint; dislocate; dilacerate; mutilate; divide; sever.


vb. (en-past of: dismember)

Usage examples of "dismembered".

An eelpout wriggles feebly across the display, looking more like a dismembered finger than a fish.

These were replaced by, in rapidly accelerating order, wedges of fudge cake, linzer torte, falafel, three steaming bowls of chop suey, blacktop sundaes, and a dismembered, smoked turkey.

Laura Jenner had been found in Mohammed Ali Jinnah Park on the outskirts of Peshawar the police had discovered the dismembered remains of her husband.

A few in the crowd recognized it as the ceremonial knife of the Khond sacrifice of the Meriah, a ritual not openly practiced in India for at least a hundred and fifty years, where a human sacrifice was put to death by strangulation and his body dismembered and spread over the fields to entreat the gods for a good harvest.

The Trader Captain felt as if he were being pummeled by a crew of Malkites specifically trained to reduce a human body to dismembered pulp.

But the second and third would not: the second would explode if the monofilament trigger were cut, so any officer attempting to defuse the device would be killed or dismembered.

To chastise domestic tyrants, and to reunite the dismembered parts of the empire, was a task reserved for the second of those warlike emperors.

The three bureaus cooperated closely, but it was largely due to a French genius that within two days they had neutralized the Schliisselheft superencipherment and dismembered much of the lexicon.

Twenty or more tanks smoldered in varying stages of destruction, some wrecked and dismembered, some aflame and whole, some silent and still.

Back ends, front ends, bumpers were scattered about like dismembered limbs.

The cavernous repair shop was a confusion of dismembered ships and the greasy clutter of a lifetime- parts everywhere, whole assemblies hanging from lifts and cradles-and bright flashes of ion flow welding from technician droids working high on scaffolding surrounding a massive Kuat Starjammer-IZX fast freight hauler that seemed to take up half the garage.

I was set upon by malignants, dismembered, and my parts suspended in a bag inside the rim of an active volcano.

The strongest investigative theory, of monstrously orchestrated and obscene racism, was undermined by the finding in Amsterdam and Brussels of two similarly dismembered and distributed white girls.

But, too jacked on his throbbing palang to enter the grace of a profound descent, he spent fitful hours drifting in an imaginary dugout on the current of his breath into the twilight country at the borders of consciousness, ending eventually amid a haunted grove of ironwood trees festooned with hundreds of dismembered arms and legs dangling like gaudy ornaments in all the colors of corruption from frazzled ropes of human hair, this grotesque mobile swinging silently in the soupy green light of the forest, blood dropping in a scattered singsong rhythm upon the outstretched leaves, the tumbled logs, the swaying ferns, the befouled beds of sodden moss.

In the peace settlement that followed World War I , Romania reclaimed not only Bessarabia , but also a northern fragment of Moldavia from the dismembered Austro-Hungarian Empire.