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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disloyally \Dis*loy"al*ly\, adv. In a disloyal manner.


adv. In a disloyal manner.


adv. without loyalty; in a disloyal manner; "his men acted disloyally and betrayed him in the end" [ant: loyally]

Usage examples of "disloyally".

Eames shook his head at the horror that might lie in store for one who had married too late to get the knack of it—like the Ancient, Hay suddenly, perhaps disloyally, thought.

Served him right, she thought disloyally, when he was actively participating in the destruction of a species.

Acting unilaterally, disloyally, and perhaps ill-advisedly, I stopped that and ordered that Mac be immediately transferred.

Gregor glanced sideways at Elizabeth in a desperately placatory way and then gave Lydia a disloyally apologetic smile that Elizabeth, still standing slightly behind him, fortunately didn't catch.

We are given, under "Name," many fanciful Defense Department titles like Urgent Fury, which was Reagan's attack on the island of Grenada, a month-long caper that General Haig disloyally said could have been handled more efficiently by the Provincetown police department.