Crossword clues for dislikes
n. (plural of dislike English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: dislike)
Usage examples of "dislikes".
He gets his sterile urine gratis, though he could well afford to pay: Pemulis depends on him for verbal-academic support, and dislikes owing favors, even to friends.
The reality is that Kennedy dislikes me, Bill Colton would love to shove you down my throat, and he's just competent enough to track you down the same way I did.
Corman, too, but probably only because he dislikes Blesserel and is feeling testy about the amount of interest in the Landing projects.
Laney said, "she dislikes me, she has her motive for revenge, but she wants, she needs, to destroy Rez.
He dislikes recoil, in a handgun, and excessive report, and distrusts semi-automatic weapons.
Although the three had come to kill him, he dislikes becoming an assassin himself, save that he has little choice.
She waves off the comment, then adds, "Dettaur dislikes this Lorn, and will attempt to place him where he cannot survive.
Though he, too, has to struggle with a strange urge to be cruel to Inger-soll, who reminds him of someone he dislikes but can't quite place, Hal on the whole rather likes being a Big B.
Orin says one reason Avril dislikes music is that whenever she hums along she sounds insane.
I 'ave confided to 'im my dreams of artistic fame, and he has told me 'ow much he dislikes your Lloyd George.
Horses have their own likes and dislikes, don’t forget, and all sorts of unimaginable factors can put them off.
But I do know this, that you ought not, in papa's absence, to ask people to dine here whom he particularly dislikes, and whom he would not wish to have in the house.