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n. (plural of disintegrator English)

Usage examples of "disintegrators".

He fetched the expedition’s two disintegrators on the double, gave one to Rhodan, and made ready with the other.

Whoever had installed these disintegrators had undoubtedly made the installation at the same time that the rock floor of the plateau had been glazed.

Two disintegrators of this type, spaced as they were here, would easily have the range and coverage to sweep the plateau clean of any opponent.

If in addition the intruder knew nothing about disintegrators it would probably be disappointed and leave.

But if we consider that these disintegrators have probably been here as long as that glazed platform outside, it will give some idea of what these barrels would look like by now, if it weren’t for the fact that they have been carefully maintained and polished.

Since these disintegrators are so well preserved, they can obviously be put to use.

It might possibly be that a man would crack, and if he did he might give any kind of orders to the robot drive control—even such a one as ordering the disintegrators turned on Earth.

He fetched the expedition's two disintegrators on the double, gave one to Rhodan, and made ready with the other.

But if we consider that these disintegrators have probably been here as long as that glazed platform outside, it will give some idea of what these barrels would look like by now, if it weren't for the fact that they have been carefully maintained and polished.

The ferocity of the disintegrators vented in vain against metal grown suddenly invulnerable.

If we can't break through those doors with our atomic disintegrators, we're finished.

Suddenly, there were the atomic disintegrators again at the massive outer doors.

Half a dozen disintegrators concentrating on one point were irresistibly, though slowly, eating away the remaining inches.

If we can’t break through those doors with our atomic disintegrators, we’re finished.