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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disingenuity \Dis*in`ge*nu"i*ty\, n. Disingenuousness. [Obs.]


n. (context obsolete English) disingenuousness

Usage examples of "disingenuity".

The boatswain's sangfroid and disingenuity were marvelous to behold, but tore Will's heart.

She was, indeed, a little offended with the former, for the disingenuity which she now discovered.

The disingenuity of the “traditional” being hawked in the Portaree Inn—the Inn and the Out of it, Mick still called it—and the ingenuity of Tidy Howard, by now a figure of stature in more ways than one, had impressed Minogue.

And, even passing over this consideration, to have borrowed so much from Christianity as he seems to have done, without making the least acknowledgment from whence he received it, would be an instance of disingenuity utterly unworthy of an honest man, and inconsistent with his practice in other respects.