vb. (en-past of: disincarnate)
Usage examples of "disincarnated".
But as soon as the primacy of representation disappears, then the theory of discourse is dissociated, and one can encounter its disincarnated and metamorphosed form on two separate levels.
Should we believe that he is a disincarnated human spirit, as he himself obstinately affirms, or must we think him a secondary personality of Mrs Piper?
It would not, in any event, prevent his obtaining information directly from disincarnated beings.
It is a long dialogue between self-styled disincarnated spirits and Stainton Moses.
We see that disincarnated beings are capable of misunderstanding as well as ourselves.
I talked with my disincarnated father with as much ease as if I were talking with him living, through the telephone.
If they are, as they say, disincarnated spirits, who formerly lived in bodies, why do they not say who they were?
Possibly disincarnated spirits, seeing things from a higher point of view, think otherwise.