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vb. (cx intransitive English) Not to identify with something; to reject a personal or group identity, etc.

Usage examples of "disidentify".

Precisely because awareness has differentiated from (or disidentified from, or transcended) an exclusive identification with body, persona, ego, and mind, it can now integrate them in a unified fashion, in a new and higher holon with each of them as junior partners.

By making this pattern conscious, by witnessing it, you disidentify from it.

Finally, the pressure of suffering created by this apparent dysfunction forces consciousness to disidentify from form and awakens it from its dream of form: It regains self-consciousness, but it is at a far deeper level than when it lost it.

Get in touch with the energy field of the inner body, be intensely present, disidentify from the mind, surrender to what is.

To disidentify from the pain-body is to bring presence into the pain and thus transmute it.

To disidentify from thinking is to be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior, especially the repetitive patterns of your mind and the roles played by the ego.

Anyone with a strong pain-body and not enough consciousness to disidentify from it will not only continuously or periodically be forced to relive their emotional pain but may also easily become either the perpetrator or the victim of violence, depending on whether their pain-body is predominantly active or passive.

Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present.

By making this pattern conscious, by witnessing it, you disidentify from it.

Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present.