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n. A cloth or towel used to dry dishes.

Usage examples of "dishtowel".

She knocked and he came, holding a dishtowel he'd been using as a pot holder appearing in the doorway above her like Saint Michael the archangel disguised in blue chambray and khaki.

Both wrists were bound with bloody dishtowels: a clear suicide attempt, no doubt in this young woman's case a desperate cry for help.

Neighbors were coming slowly up the road, some of them walking, holding dishtowels and tools in their hands, some of them getting out of their pickups with taut, worried faces.

Then she found thick dishtowels in a kitchen drawer and wrapped them around the pan.

A while later the dishtowels were all saturated with sweat and we were doing the groaning.

Dad Martin, please get me some towels, dishtowels, napkins, anything that's clean in the laundry.

Indeed, the contrast between Geneva polishing each already-clean dessert fork on a dishtowel before placing it on the table and Sinsemilla waltzing with the moon was less like a mere refreshing breeze than like sudden immersion in an arctic sea.

And when, in her mind, she freed the skimpy Fruta del Telar briefs from the erection upon which they were snagged like a dishtowel caught on a railroad spike, she actually feared that she might swoon.

Belinda was leaning over Kirstie with a dishtowel in her hand and a square of white linen - it looked to Johnny like a for-best table napkin - folded over her shoulder like a waiter's towel.