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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dishing \Dish"ing\, a. Dish-shaped; concave.


Dish \Dish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dished; p. pr. & vb. n. Dishing.]

  1. To put in a dish, ready for the table.

  2. To make concave, or depress in the middle, like a dish; as, to dish a wheel by inclining the spokes.

  3. To frustrate; to beat; to ruin. [Low]

  4. to talk about (a person) in a disparaging manner; to gossip about (a person); as, the secretaries spent their break time dishing the newest employee. [slang] To dish out.

    1. To serve out of a dish; to distribute in portions at table.

    2. (Arch.) To hollow out, as a gutter in stone or wood.

      2. to dispense freely; -- also used figuratively; as, to dish out punishment; to dish out abuse or insult.

      To dish up, to take (food) from the oven, pots, etc., and put in dishes to be served at table.

  1. Shaped like a dish; concave. v

  2. (present participle of dish English)

Usage examples of "dishing".

He had set one chair in front of the desk, intending to leave Captain Kaku out there alone and vulnerable to take whatever he felt like dishing out.

A monarch of his profession, unsurpassed--nay, unequalled--at dishing up the raw material so that it melted in the mouth of the ultimate consumer, Anatole had always been a magnet that drew me to Brinkley Court with my tongue hanging out.

She found Dave behind the long, stainless-steel counter dishing up soup to the line of cold, hungry people.

Like most American planes, it could take a lot of battle damage—but not as much as the Zeros and the ships’ antiaircraft guns were dishing out.

His eyes swept over her, dishing back some of the disdain she'd been dishing him.

They would keep at that game for hours, Betsy knew, dishing it out and dining on indefinitely.