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The Collaborative International Dictionary

disentangle \dis`en*tan"gle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disentangled; p. pr. & vb. n. Disentangling.]

  1. To free from entanglement; to release from a condition of being intricately and confusedly involved or interlaced; to reduce to orderly arrangement; to straighten out; as, to disentangle a skein of yarn.

  2. To extricate from complication and perplexity; disengage from embarrassing connection or intermixture; to disembroil; to set free; to separate.

    To disentangle truth from error.

    To extricate and disentangle themselves out of this labyrinth.

    A mind free and disentangled from all corporeal mixtures.
    --Bp. Stillingfleet.

    Syn: To loose; extricate; disembarrass; disembroil; clear; evolve; disengage; separate; detach.


vb. (present participle of disentangle English)

Usage examples of "disentangling".

I remarked, delicately disentangling a foxtail from his thick red mane.

Often after airing he finds time to sit by my bed for a while, disentangling his strings, and spreading silence until I call the silence Bruno and Bruno silence.

I succeeded in disentangling the poor childless woman from her wool and in making her almost happy.

There is no more difficult problem in astronomy than that of disentangling the effects of the solar motion from those of the motions of the other stars.

An attentive and discreet observer, he examined the play of human interests and passions, exercised himself in disentangling and manoeuvring at need the strings of the puppets he saw moving around him.

He longed to interrogate quickly, but he saw that Lerouge told his story with difficulty, laboriously disentangling his recollections.

After disentangling herself from the underbrush, she ,lung the train of her dress over her arm, grabbed the envelope, tUen took off running in his direction.

Her beautiful gown kept snagging on the bushes, but she took her time disentangling the fabric, since she still hoped to wear the dress to her wedding to Gregory.

I'm coming downit's just a little jumpbut I've got my eyes on Smartguard, who's disentangling himself from Dumbguard, and my foot lands on Toa-Phelathon's head.

They've usually just tried to get the net profits down as low as possible, what the court's saying this time is that no matter how little the defendants say the value of the picture depends on what they stole, it's right here, the infringer carries the burden of disentangling the contributions of the several factors which he has confused.

Torisen said to his stallion, disentangling the reins and springing up into the saddle.

Behind him, the dead around Ganth's feet were moving, slowly, unsteadily, disentangling charred arms and legs.

After this, as he began to draw off from different points of his old belief, the cautious disentangling of himself from one mesh after another gave sharpness to his intellect, and the tremulous eagerness with which he seized upon the doctrine which, piece by piece, under various pretexts and with various disguises, he was appropriating, gave interest and something like passion to his words.

You would have thought the islanders were on the point of flying at each other's throats, whereas they were only amicably engaged in disentangling their boats.

To my surprise and joy, however, he recovered himself, and disentangling his limbs from the fractured branches, he peered out from his leafy bed, and shouted lustily, 'Come on, my hearty there is no other alternative!