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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disentanglement \Dis`en*tan"gle*ment\, n. The act of disentangling or clearing from difficulties.


n. removal of, or extrication from twists, tangles, complications or confusion.


n. the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition [syn: unsnarling, untangling, extrication]

Usage examples of "disentanglement".

Should Abnethe fail in her connectives or attempt redefinition of essences, this could produce linearities open for my disentanglement.

Arlo had almost gone shooting past the supermart--it was possible to clock the entire action in the store with a fast pass-down in the parking lot --but now, keeping one eye on the trembling roundnesses produced by her attempted disentanglement of the cart from its insertion into the long line of insertions (oh, lord, insertions!