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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disembarrass \Dis`em*bar"rass\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disembarrassed; p. pr. & vb. n. Disembarrassing.] [Pref. dis- + embarrass: cf. F. d['e]sembarasser.] To free from embarrassment, or perplexity; to clear; to extricate.

To disembarrass himself of his companion.
--Sir W. Scott.


vb. (present participle of disembarrass English)

Usage examples of "disembarrassing".

He carried me along with him —the shirt, for a few seconds, drawn over my head, when, disembarrassing myself of the garment, by slipping my head and arms out, I left it in his possession, and regained the surface of the water, almost suffocated.