The Collaborative International Dictionary
Discredit \Dis*cred"it\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discredited; p. pr. & vb. n. Discrediting.] [Cf. F. discr['e]diter.]
To refuse credence to; not to accept as true; to disbelieve; as, the report is discredited.
To deprive of credibility; to destroy confidence or trust in; to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of.
An occasion might be given to the . . . papists of discrediting our common English Bible.
--Strype.2. To deprive of credit or good repute; to bring reproach upon; to make less reputable; to disgrace.
He. . . least discredits his travels who returns the same man he went.
--Sir H. Wotton.
n. The act by which something is discredited. vb. (present participle of discredit English)
Usage examples of "discrediting".
He could not throw away thirty years of his campaign against evil, at a single stroke discrediting everything.
The senator was hoping to find some discrediting Incident that would forever banish hope of legal protection for the Talented.
So they are bent on discrediting the Jews, and through the Jews—this they learned from the Jesuits—they cause trouble for their adversaries abroad, both the neo-Templars and the Baconians.
Since everybody got the Martinists (who derived from Saint Martin) mixed up with the Martinezists (followers of Martfnez Pasqualis, whom Aglie so dislikes), and since Pasqualis, according to a widespread rumor, was Jewish, by discrediting the Jews the Protocols also discredited the Martinists, and with the discrediting of the Martinists, Philippe was booted out.
But we have succeeded in discrediting the Jesuits in the eyes of the stupid populace, because that society is an open organization, whereas we stay in the wings, maintaining secrecy.
I should have realized that the Ehleen Church would never forget, never forgive me for weakening their stranglehold on their adherents, for discrediting their motives and for depriving them of most of their ill-gotten gains.
But for some reason nothing was of more importance than discrediting you, supplanting you in those men's eyes.
Behind his professional manner the priest was terrified of discrediting a symbol so potent.
Because the angry Dorsey left alive would mean Dorsey exposing Applebee's plot, discrediting the Nature First campaign, discrediting Roger Applebee himself.