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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Discover \Dis*cov"er\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discovered; p. pr. & vb. n. Discovering.] [OE. discoveren, discuren, descuren, OF. descovrir, descouvrir, F. d['e]couvrir; des- (L. dis-) + couvrir to cover. See Cover.]

  1. To uncover. [Obs.]

    Whether any man hath pulled down or discovered any church.
    --Abp. Grindal.

  2. To disclose; to lay open to view; to make visible; to reveal; to make known; to show (what has been secret, unseen, or unknown). [Archaic]

    Go, draw aside the curtains, and discover The several caskets to this noble prince.

    Prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue.

    We will discover ourselves unto them.
    --1 Sam. xiv. 8.

    Discover not a secret to another.
    --Prov. xxv. 9.

  3. To obtain for the first time sight or knowledge of, as of a thing existing already, but not perceived or known; to find; to ascertain; to espy; to detect. [WordNet sense 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

    Some to discover islands far away.

  4. To manifest without design; to show.

    The youth discovered a taste for sculpture.
    --C. J. Smith.

  5. To explore; to examine. [Obs.]

    Syn: To disclose; bring out; exhibit; show; manifest; reveal; communicate; impart; tell; espy; find; out; detect. -- To Discover, Invent. We discover what existed before, but remained unknown; we invent by forming combinations which are either entirely new, or which attain their end by means unknown before. Columbus discovered America; Newton discovered the law of gravitation; Whitney invented the cotton gin; Galileo invented the telescope.


n. A discovery. vb. (present participle of discover English)

Usage examples of "discovering".

Ranjit could do the background investigating, hopefully discovering as much as he could about Flimflam, and possible confederates, before an active move was attempted.

Gillings exploded from his chair with all the frustrated astonished exasperated impotence of the strong man suddenly discovering himself in an untenable position.

He also couldn't hold the teams back from discovering deposits: they got credit bonuses based on the assays of their individual discoveries.

And Kurla, her eyes equally discovering her lover, was Juliet, breathless, shy, daring, and precious.

Keff felt some of the tightness in his chest relax, but he grieved for the Cridi, who were only now discovering the truth about their losses.

Rhyssa said, bringing the discussion firmly back to relevant matters, "I'd very much like to see a full report on what JG and Samjan have been discovering about platform personnel problems.

She was so miserably sick in her first space voyage, she went into a trauma about any sort of travel without discovering the real cause.

But, fascinated by the contact, he did linger, discovering other unsettling aspects.

While hoping that following the ion trails back the way they had come might result in discovering the location of the Hive homeworld, the more pessimistic of both species recognized that the trails might dwindle to nothing considering the period of time involved - and the effort would be wasted.

His upraised hands indicated his exultation in discovering an answer to the vital question of how to keep the queens where they were.

There she lucked out by discovering a qualifier: As the planet was nearly self-sufficient and no Optherians left their home world, there was no need for such services.

That initial humiliation back on Fuerte when she'd been refused solo status by the bombastic little Maestro Valdi had resulted in her meeting Carrick, and discovering the covert Heptite Guild.

But after all, Petaybee was a young planet, still discovering its own abilities, and it had recently been exposed to new stimuli.

No, she added in private cynicism, people are already discovering new ones.

However, that age difference and her continued mourning for her lost lover were the reasons why Robinton was hesitant in discovering if the sudden, keen attraction was mutual.