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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Discourser \Dis*cours"er\, n.

  1. One who discourse; a narrator; a speaker; an haranguer.

    In his conversation he was the most clear discourser.

  2. The writer of a treatise or dissertation.

    Philologers and critical discoursers.
    --Sir T. Browne.


n. 1 One who discourses; a narrator or speaker. 2 The writer of a treatise or dissertation.

Usage examples of "discourser".

According to him the great discourser only "seemed to wander," and he seemed to wander the most "when in fact his resistance to the wandering instinct was greatest, viz.

Nelson Coleridge, shows how pregnant, how pithy, how full of subtle observation, and often also of playful humour, could be the talk of the great discourser in its lighter and more colloquial forms.

Selden and the other profoundly learned men who drew this Petition of Right were as well acquainted, at least, with all the general theories concerning the "rights of men" as any of the discoursers in our pulpits or on your tribune.