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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Discouraged by her failed marriages, she gradually withdrew from the world.
▪ Hartman was so discouraged about the way his performing career was going, that he gave up acting for writing.
▪ I was very discouraged at the time, but I still hoped we could find a solution.
▪ Students with learning difficulties who do not have a dedicated teacher can become discouraged very easily.
▪ He doesn't get discouraged easily.
▪ It's raising morale amongst a once discouraged workforce.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Discourage \Dis*cour"age\ (?; 48), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discouraged; p. pr. & vb. n. Discouraging.] [Pref. dis- + courage: cf. OF. descoragier, F. d['e]courager: pref. des- (L. dis-) + corage, F. courage. See Courage.]

  1. To extinguish the courage of; to dishearten; to depress the spirits of; to deprive of confidence; to deject; -- the opposite of encourage; as, he was discouraged in his undertaking; he need not be discouraged from a like attempt.

    Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
    --Col. iii. 21.

  2. To dishearten one with respect to; to discountenance; to seek to check by disfavoring; to deter one from; as, they discouraged his efforts.

    Syn: To dishearten; dispirit; depress; deject; dissuade; disfavor.

  1. Having lost confidence or hope; dejected; disheartened. v

  2. (en-past of: discourage)

  1. adj. made less hopeful or enthusiastic; "desperate demoralized people looking for work"; "felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem"; "the disheartened instructor tried vainly to arouse their interest" [syn: demoralized, demoralised, disheartened]

  2. lacking in resolution; "the accident left others discouraged about going there"

Usage examples of "discouraged".

Lest, however, he might again fall into the hands of the raider, he discouraged Abdul Mourak in the further prosecution of his pursuit, assuring the Abyssinian that Achmet Zek commanded a large and dangerous force, and also that he was marching rapidly toward the south.

I could make my science useful, because the answers given by the numerical figures are often so obscure that I have felt discouraged, and I very seldom tried to make any use of my calculus.

Most antiabortion activists, for example, have openly discouraged legislative allies from even pursuing those compromise measures that would have significantly reduced the incidence of the procedure popularly known as partial-birth abortion, because the image the procedure evokes in the mind of the public has helped them win converts to their position.

When it is considered that many amateur writers have been discouraged from becoming competitors, and that few, if any, of the professional authors can afford to write for nothing, and, of course, have not been candidates for the honorary prize at Drury Lane, we may confidently pronounce that, as far as regards NUMBER, the present is undoubtedly the Augustan age of English poetry.

They returned to Wrentham in September 1916 deeply discouraged by the indifferent reception they had been given on their summer Chautauqua tour.

But as her mother and she sat in the crowded waiting room hour after hour--because of the war doctors were scarce--she felt discouraged.

Discouraged, Marianna lets Fila run away hopping on the tips of her bare toes.

Si Hedges collect any weapons the others might have, but the fraternal air between Hedges and the others discouraged the idea.

But fear of Jones, of whose fierceness and strength he had seen, and indeed felt, some instances, had however represented any such scheme as impossible to be executed, and had discouraged him from applying himself to form any regular plan for the purpose.

The Monacan expedition the King discouraged, and refused to furnish for it either guides or men.

Marlborough, preeminently great as he certainly was, nevertheless led the combined forces of England and of Holland, in the freshness of their strength and the fulness of their financial ability, against prostrate France, with a treasury depleted, a people worn out, discouraged, and dejected.

This added to the last two favourable seasons had occasioned a great depreciation in the value of grain, and it was thought agriculture would be discouraged unless immediate relief were afforded.

Officers were unofficially discouraged from viewership, under the theory that it would make their brains soft.

She did her own work, she discouraged acquaintanceships, and had none.

His mother came, Clymene, and with her His father, Pheres: his unconscious child They brought him, while forlorn Alcestis sat Discouraged, with the face of desolation.