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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Discorporate \Dis*cor"po*rate\, a. Deprived of the privileges or form of a body corporate. [Obs.]
--Jas. II.


a. 1 Having no material body 2 Not being a member of a corporate body


adj. not having a material body; "bodiless ghosts" [syn: unembodied, bodiless, unbodied, disembodied]

Usage examples of "discorporate".

Two more of her deckers tried to face the SK and had their icons discorporated for their trouble.

The other soul belonged to the discorporate, ravaged remnants of a High Mage named Nightchillin truth, little more than her charred flesh and bones, though other fragments of her were preserved as a consequence of a sealing spell.

Then, as their grokking made them ever closer and Mike felt himself almost ready to discorporate, her voice called him back: "Oh?

When you start disrupting time you may be operating in the realm of a supratemporal composite discorporate mind -- I think I was.