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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Discontented \Dis`con*tent"ed\, p. p. & a. Dissatisfied; uneasy in mind; malcontent.

And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him.
--1 Sam. xxii. 2. -- Dis`con*tent"ed*ly, adv. -- Dis`con*tent"ed*ness, n.


adv. In a discontented manner.


adv. with discontent; in a discontented manner; "he was still rumbling discontentedly when Pike returned bearing a folder of foolscap sheets"

Usage examples of "discontentedly".

After a moment, Mingsley continued discontentedly, "But I will admit I am disappointed.

Perhaps, Shreever thought discontentedly, that was all the others had ever sought.

I was put facedown over a shaggy brown horse, which liked this state of affairs as little as I, and shifted discontentedly, so that my nose was banged with an infuriating rhythm against the rough horse blanket on its back.

The goats, meanwhile, milled around the track, maa-ing discontentedly, and watchdogs barked, and ran to lick up blood and gorged flies spilled from the strung carcasses.

Doctorat-nauk (emeritus) Rosaleen Artzybachova was discontentedly trying to make the time pass with chess-by-fax games against a variety of opponents from her boring retirement dacha outside of Kiev.

Pat gazed discontentedly at the dark roots on her hair, the smudges of unidentified filth on her blouse, the circles under her eyes.

Haley therefore slowly and discontentedly returned to the little tavern, to ponder further what was to be done.

The trader, therefore, sat discontentedly down, with his little account-book, and put down the missing body and soul under the head of _losses!