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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Discolor \Dis*col"or\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discolored; p. pr. & vb. n. Discoloring.] [OE. descolouren, OF. descolorer, F. d['e]colorer, fr. L. dis- + cololare, coloratum, to color, color color. See Color.] [Written also discolour.]

  1. To alter the natural hue or color of; to change to a different color; to stain; to tinge; as, a drop of wine will discolor water; silver is discolored by sea water.

  2. To alter the true complexion or appearance of; to put a false hue upon.

    To discolor all your ideas.


n. discoloration vb. (present participle of discolor English)

Usage examples of "discoloring".

A wound on his rib was discoloring around a gash that had no doubt bled, but had been closed off by water-swelled tissue.

Leaving the burglar chain engaged, she peered out to see Harley Fist, swaying on his feet, his eyes red-rimmed, his face sullen and stubbled, a livid bruise discoloring one side of his chin and jaw.

The orange discoloring on the palms of his limp hands would last painfully long, reminding him of his failure, before whitening away.

But when he'd completed the excruciating ordeal of peeling off his clothes, he found nothing but badly discoloring flesh.

He was in panic now and wheezed painfully as he breathed against the bruises that were luridly discoloring his upper body.

For a long while I sat there, noticing the particulars of death, absorbed by them: how the blood within him had begun to settle to one side, discoloring his cheek.

Patches of shining white cheekbone protruded through the flesh of the face, knuckles pierced the skin of the hands, and even where the skin remained intact it looked like there was some malignancy crawling across it and discoloring it.

Patches of shining white cheekbone protruded through the flesh of the face, knuckles pierced the skin of the hands, and even where the skin remained intact it looked like there was some hideous malignancy crawling across it and discoloring it.

The light from the open window dappled Hugh's face, mottling it with shadow and light and the discoloring bruise.