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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a disciplinary procedure
▪ Unacceptable behaviour will be dealt with through our usual disciplinary procedures.
▪ Guideline 10: Explain the reasons behind your disciplinary actions.
▪ John Keane, who will decide whether to take disciplinary action.
▪ Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
▪ A lower federal court ruled that, irrespective of the circumstances, such disciplinary action is never permitted without a prior hearing.
▪ The company plans to dock the officers' pay and is threatening disciplinary action.
▪ The Civil Aeronautics Administration will decide any disciplinary action, if necessary, for the airline or the crew of that flight.
▪ For the council's works committee is to consider taking disciplinary action against employees who made serious corruption allegations against senior officials.
▪ Bar officials said member services and disciplinary actions could be halted immediately.
▪ He will then decide whether to prefer disciplinary charges.
▪ He said the school had found enough evidence of hazing to suspend two cadets and file disciplinary charges against 11.
▪ The Police Complaints Authority may direct that disciplinary charges are heard by a tribunal rather than by a chief officer sitting alone.
▪ The college has filed disciplinary charges against 11 cadets in the case.
▪ But police officers can be dismissed only if severe disciplinary charges are proven against them.
▪ Revisions have also been made to the prison disciplinary code.
▪ This mechanism does not rely on a disciplinary code nor on a court-like body.
▪ Some superiors were more zealous than others to enforce the disciplinary code.
▪ It signified a disciplinary code of considerable imagination, a vast armoury of Chief Constable's powers, both petty and absolute.
▪ Norwich City and Blackpool have been handed fines by the Football Association's disciplinary committee for failing to control their players.
▪ Massingberd-Mundy complained to Lord Vestey, then chairman of the Club's disciplinary committee, about Steveney's remark.
▪ Now, the North Midlands disciplinary committee are to entertain both father and son.
▪ Stemp appeared before a disciplinary committee in Birmingham today - and was cleared of all blame for the incident.
▪ When a decision has been reached, all concerned will be recalled and informed of the decision of the disciplinary committee.
▪ He was hauled before the disciplinary committee after a video showed him clashing with opposition scrum-half Mike Ford during a brawl.
▪ If Hateley is found guilty of violent conduct, the disciplinary committee are empowered to extend the player's ban.
▪ But a disciplinary hearing of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland was told he sold the product without a prescription.
▪ He seems certain to face a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing, and his practice is being sued.
▪ The principles of fair procedure which govern the conduct of disciplinary hearings also apply, by and large, to appeal hearings.
▪ If a disciplinary hearing is to take place, it is likely to occur very soon, a source said.
▪ The Institute is now under increasing pressure to open up its disciplinary hearings to the public.
▪ The Jockey Club has announced it is to look again at the appeals procedure available to parties involved in disciplinary hearings.
▪ My husband wasn't suspended but went through a disciplinary hearing and things were dealt with there, or so we thought.
▪ Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.
▪ Any decision about disciplinary matters should rest elsewhere.
▪ This same meeting was also the Club's first deal with a disciplinary matter.
▪ Formal disciplinary matters and complaints are dealt with by the Garden Secretary.
▪ There is little doubt within Council that more openness in disciplinary matters is both desirable and necessary.
▪ Talk was of a minor disciplinary measure by management that might lead to industrial action.
▪ Dreikurs advises parents to restrict talking to friendly conversations and not use it as a disciplinary measure.
▪ Of course, this was both a political and a disciplinary measure.
▪ The case further indicates the need for employers to adopt the most appropriate type of disciplinary measure in each case.
▪ Moreover, disciplinary measures proved counter-productive.
▪ New disciplinary measures and recommendations asserted his authority over clerical and lay Catholics.
▪ The report did not, however, make any recommendations of disciplinary measures against those concerned.
▪ And if they weren't then disciplinary measures should be taken against the person or people responsible.
▪ Teachers believe that their interaction with pupils and the disciplinary problems which arise are the greatest source of stress in their work.
▪ His school marks improved, and the severe disciplinary problems diminished.
▪ What is vital is that no employer should approach disciplinary problems with a closed mind.
▪ All disciplinary problems are brought before the Committee and the two prison wardens previously assigned these duties no longer perform them.
▪ When all else fails, disciplinary procedures instigated properly and fairly are one of the few protections the public has.
▪ Mr Kinnock said that the commission would revamp its recruitment and disciplinary procedures and set up a new audit service by May.
▪ Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke also said he plans to bring in new disciplinary procedures.
▪ If we find an inmate who is taking drugs we go through the disciplinary procedures.
▪ A candidate who engages in plagiarism shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings. 12.
▪ Robins hired former Attorney General Griffin Bell to institute disciplinary proceedings against the judge.
▪ But it accepted there were flaws in procedures in disciplinary proceedings against Mr Pink.
▪ The teachers then appeared before the school board, asking that they be treated as a group in any disciplinary proceedings.
▪ There was some discussion about the possibility of disciplinary proceedings before the General Council of the Bar.
▪ This need remains as strong after disciplinary proceedings as before, perhaps even stronger.
▪ This would amount to a breach of their contract of employment and lay them open to disciplinary proceedings.
▪ Resolving grievances Most complainants, however, are more interested in getting their grievance resolved than in disciplinary proceedings.
▪ This means a disciplinary process and a scale of penalties that can be imposed.
▪ The disciplinary process required to keep people of low intelligence in order was simple.
▪ All Arbitrators should not have been hitherto involved in the disciplinary process or hearing.
▪ This might be for disciplinary reasons or for redundancies arising from, perhaps, reduced staffing needs or curricular changes.
▪ Finally, a substantial number of Volunteers were sent home for disciplinary reasons.
▪ A school news release said it was for disciplinary reasons.
▪ A previously blameless disciplinary record should have entitled Cooper to more lenient treatment, they argue.
▪ He will have a fiery temper, a bad disciplinary record and a passionate spirit.
▪ His disciplinary record was apt to be suspect.
▪ Southampton, who had the worst disciplinary record in the League last season, had three players booked.
▪ The midfielder had his contract terminated in December, because of his disciplinary record.
▪ The ordinary disciplinary rules and procedures which the Board applies in relation to its employees will apply in relation to you.
▪ Breach of discipline Any written disciplinary rules that affect you deserve careful study.
▪ The structure, the disciplinary rules, were immutable.
▪ If neither the disciplinary rules nor the warning itself provide this information, ask what is intended.
▪ Furthermore, there is already a perception that the decks are stacked at the disciplinary tribunals.
▪ So far, not a single person has faced prosecution or disciplinary action over the case.
▪ The committee members promised that appropriate disciplinary measures would be taken against the offenders.
▪ Furthermore, there is already a perception that the decks are stacked at the disciplinary tribunals.
▪ He will then decide whether to prefer disciplinary charges.
▪ We may also consider taking disciplinary action.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disciplinary \Dis"ci*plin*a*ry\, a. [LL. disciplinarius flogging: cf. F. disciplinaire.] Pertaining to discipline; intended for discipline; corrective; belonging to a course of training.

Those canons . . . were only disciplinary.
--Bp. Ferne.

The evils of the . . . are disciplinary and remedial.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from Medieval Latin disciplinarius, from Latin disciplina (see discipline (n.)).


a. 1 Having to do with discipline, or with the imposition of discipline. 2 For the purpose of imposing punishment. 3 Of or relating to an academic field of study. n. A disciplinary action.

  1. adj. relating to discipline in behavior; "disciplinary problems in the classroom"

  2. relating to a specific field of academic study; "economics in its modern disciplinary sense"

  3. designed to promote discipline; "the teacher's action was corrective rather than instructional"; "disciplinal measures"; "the mother was stern and disciplinary" [syn: corrective, disciplinal]

Usage examples of "disciplinary".

Even had they been civilians properly domiciled in the United States at the outbreak of the war they would have been subject under the statutes to restraint and other disciplinary action by the President without appeal to the courts.

A clear conception on your part of what drills are disciplinary in character and what discipline really is, will help you to become a disciplined soldier.

The disciplinary institutions, the boundaries of the effectivity of their logics, and their striation of social space all constitute instances of verticality or transcendence over the social plane.

The practical application of these principles can be studied in the Elmira Reformatory of New York, the only prison for felons where the proposed system is carried out with the needed disciplinary severity.

In order to get a good idea of this process it may be enough to read together the disciplinary classics of international law and international economics, linking their observations and prescriptions, which emerge from different disciplinary formations but share a certain neorealism, or really a realism in the Hobbesian sense.

In part, our object of study demands this broad interdisciplinarity, since in Empire the boundaries that might previously have justified narrow disciplinary approaches are increasingly breaking down.

The choir of fifty young women, the Meadows Angels, was a chronic disciplinary problem.

Anyway, the reason for the delay in understanding semiconductor-driven photochemistry seems to be that it fell through the disciplinary cracks.

The oligarchs and tyrants and despots and politicians who ruled their planets by the threat of the Disciplinary Circuit found this new state of affairs deplorable.

All her sacraments, disciplinary offices, instructions and the like, are with the design of helping her children, through the aid of the Divine Spirit, in proving the genuineness of their change of heart by a conspicuous, powerful and beautiful change of life.

Labor-management committees were set up in five thousand factories, as a gesture toward industrial democracy, but they acted mostly as disciplinary groups for absentee workers, and devices for increasing production.

They were shocked at the disciplinary floggings and regarded the system of paying soldiers at so much a day, instead of engaging them by promises of glory and plunder, as most base.

The two of them, along with Ned Pierce and his counterpart, StateSec Citizen Sergeant Jaime Rolla, constituted the informal little group which Yuri relied on to handle disciplinary matters on the superdreadnought.

The daily facts of life in an AA battery, such as semi-serious disciplinary drill, tedious practice alerts, or greasy-messy rifle cleaning, were disposed of with an expression overheard from the tech sergeant: "After all, the essence of being-there is its existence.

Hereupon the Arhats and Bhikshus observant of the rules, to the number in all of 700 monks, examined afresh and collated the collection of disciplinary books.