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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Discharging arch

Discharge \Dis*charge"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discharged; p. pr. & vb. n. Discharging.] [OE. deschargen, dischargen, OF. deschargier, F. d['e]charger; pref. des- (L. dis) + chargier, F. charger. See Charge.]

  1. To relieve of a charge, load, or burden; to empty of a load or cargo; to unburden; to unload; as, to discharge a vessel.

  2. To free of the missile with which anything is charged or loaded; to let go the charge of; as, to discharge a bow, catapult, etc.; especially, said of firearms, -- to fire off; to shoot off; also, to relieve from a state of tension, as a Leyden jar.

    The galleys also did oftentimes, out of their prows, discharge their great pieces against the city.

    Feeling in other cases discharges itself in indirect muscular actions.
    --H. Spencer.

  3. To of something weighing upon or impeding over one, as a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc.; to absolve; to acquit; to clear.

    Discharged of business, void of strife.

    In one man's fault discharge another man of his duty.

  4. To relieve of an office or employment; to send away from service; to dismiss.

    Discharge the common sort With pay and thanks.

    Grindal . . . was discharged the government of his see.

  5. To release legally from confinement; to set at liberty; as, to discharge a prisoner.

  6. To put forth, or remove, as a charge or burden; to take out, as that with which anything is loaded or filled; as, to discharge a cargo.

  7. To let fly, as a missile; to shoot.

    They do discharge their shot of courtesy.

  8. To set aside; to annul; to dismiss.

    We say such an order was ``discharged on appeal.''
    --Mozley & W.

    The order for Daly's attendance was discharged.

  9. To throw off the obligation of, as a duty or debt; to relieve one's self of, by fulfilling conditions, performing duty, trust, and the like; hence, to perform or execute, as an office, or part.

    Had I a hundred tongues, a wit so large As could their hundred offices discharge.

  10. To send away (a creditor) satisfied by payment; to pay one's debt or obligation to. [Obs.]

    If he had The present money to discharge the Jew.

  11. To give forth; to emit or send out; as, a pipe discharges water; to let fly; to give expression to; to utter; as, to discharge a horrible oath.

  12. To prohibit; to forbid. [Scot. Obs.]
    --Sir W. Scott.

  13. (Textile Dyeing & Printing) To bleach out or to remove or efface, as by a chemical process; as, to discharge the color from a dyed fabric in order to form light figures on a dark ground.

    Discharging arch (Arch.), an arch over a door, window, or other opening, to distribute the pressure of the wall above. See Illust. of Lintel.

    Discharging piece, Discharging strut (Arch.), a piece set to carry thrust or weight to a solid point of support.

    Discharging rod (Elec.), a bent wire, with knobs at both ends, and insulated by a glass handle. It is employed for discharging a Leyden jar or an electrical battery. See Discharger.

    Syn: See Deliver.

Discharging arch

A discharging arch or relieving arch is an arch built over a lintel or architrave to take off the superincumbent weight.