a. (context rare English) (alternative spelling of discernible English)
adj. perceptible by the senses or intellect; "things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause"; "the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations"; "the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles" [syn: discernible] [ant: indiscernible]
Usage examples of "discernable".
Sometimes, for no discernable reason, suddenly and without warning, two men meeting for the first time felt the ancient furies buried deep in their forebrains leap abruptly and redly to life.
Nighthawk turned his laser and sonic pistols on it, but with no discernable effect.
Ristelli, Causey, Czerny, and Bianca had each in their way attempted to lead me to this knowledge, to demonstrate that only in a place like Diamond Bar, where walls kept that illusion at bay, was the road to freedom discernable.
Otherwise the saggings and crinklings of middle age were barely discernable on him.
He would, Khadaji knew, grow better still, but only by small degrees, measured in bits perhaps discernable only in theoretical, rather than practical terms.
Ian Young had the same white heavyish face in which nothing discernable was going on.
The water is pacific and colorless beneath a hazy sky, the horizon line is barely discernable.
The original du Katt identified himself with a sloppy hat of no discernable style or purpose.
Except for deep gullies that had trapped the ebbing lake water, the valley was visible again, and once more the Watauga River, artery of the region, was a discernable confluence, kept within its banks by the release of its overflow through the sluice gates of the TVA dam.
It took the ship the better part of five days to reach Japan, by which time I was more than happy to take my leave of it, especially since the cabin girl with whom I whiled away a couple of pleasant afternoons happened to have a brother on the crew who took an instant dislike to me for no discernable reason, and spent half of the last evening hunting for me with a Samurai sword while I huddled in a lifeboat and counted off the last few hours until we hit shore.