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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disbarment \Dis*bar"ment\, n. Act of disbarring.


n. (context legal English) The disqualification of a lawyer from membership in a bar association, usually as punishment for wrongdoing; the result of being disbarred.


n. the act of expelling a lawyer from the practice of law


Disbarment is the removal of a lawyer from a bar association or the practice of law, thus revoking his or her law license or admission to practice law. Disbarment is usually a punishment for unethical or criminal conduct. Procedures vary depending on the law society.

Usage examples of "disbarment".

I am going to request that the Appellate Division undertake an investigation and, if it feels the circumstances warrant it, to begin disbarment proceedings against you.

She had not heard another word about her disbarment, and until she did she was still an attorney.

District Attorney Robert Di Silva and Judge Lawrence Waldman have requested the Appellate Division to begin disbarment proceedings against you.

I'm empowered to investigate and recommend for or against disbarment proceedings.

Adam said, "that the 68 RAGE OF ANGELS disbarment proceedings have been officially dropped.

She tried to rationalize by telling herself that it was because he had saved her when she was facing disbarment proceedings, and then had sent her clients.

The third’s facing disbarment for running an adoption scam and bilking childless couples.

If I didn’t voluntarily submit myself, some pissed-off judge would dismiss me, and I’d risk disbarment for malpractice.

Lawrence had been notified of his disbarment exactly one week after he and JoLayne were married, but she stuck with him for almost a year.

It was Lawrence who'd suggested to JoLayne that they move upstate to Grange, where he could concentrate on fighting his disbarment, absent big-city distractions such as vengeful ex-clients.

Radiff, counsel for the defense, was cruel and abrasive and redundant, and after an hour it was obvious he deserved his disbarment, whatever his crimes may have been.

I’ve got my own ideas, and they’re going to hurt the Spangled boys far more than a disbarment from the tracks.

In light of events since the release of Aldrich’s book, leading to Clinton’s impeachment, contempt citation, and disbarment, Aldrich appears to have been vindicated with a whoop.

And on the following morning, Gillian was ready to spring his surprise to remove from his bag the trick which might result in his disbarment or which might result in a favorable verdict for the defendants.