n. a slaughterhouse production line, where carcasses are strung up, and butchers successively process the same cuts progressively at each succeeding station, as the carcasses are pushed down the line
Usage examples of "disassembly line".
It also shone on the Formosa and on Oswald's Club, and the court-house where divorces came off a disassembly line, and on other places where people sought happiness.
Day after day, he processed--that was his word, that was how he thought of it, a system, a disassembly line--thousands of prisoners through the gas chambers and the ovens.
Tourists, aerobicizing pensioners, and ranks of uniformed schoolchildren marched through it year in and year out, peering through walls of glass (actually solid diamond, which was cheaper) at various phases of the molecular disassembly line that was Source Victoria.