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  1. disjointed v

  2. (en-past of: disarticulate)

Usage examples of "disarticulated".

He rummaged through the heap of bones and driftwood piled against the wall, then went around to her midden on the other side of it and searched through the overgrown brush to find disarticulated bones, skulls, and antler among the refuse.

Back by the door lies a jumble of disarticulated bones, steaming slightly, as though the soul of the person who just inhabited that body is trying to form itself into a ghostly specter.

Some time before puberty there is for most of us a transition in how we perceive and remember the world, a transition which means that our adult memories are strangely disarticulated from our childhood ones.

Cuvier was already dazzling people with his genius for taking heaps of disarticulated bones and whipping them into shapely forms.

Using curved scissors I speedily disarticulated the remains of the pedal bone from the second phalanx and held it up.

She disarticulated the legs, then started on the delicate carapace, which split along three great circles and opened up like a peeled orange.

Savage, disarticulated its way through until it reached the area of the dynadrive engines and the warp core.

If she put all the food on the counter, then disarticulated the limbs, the whole body should fit nicely, with the head in the freezer.

The dinosaurs were stored unmounted, stacked disarticulated on massive steel shelves.

In such disarticulated and prosthetic flesh, there can be no hierarchy of the organs or the senses, no privileging of sight over touch or male over female, of cocks over cunts or cocks over eyes.