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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disapprovingly \Dis`ap*prov"ing*ly\, adv. In a disapproving manner.


adv. In a disapproving manner


adv. showing disapproval; "he shook his head disapprovingly" [ant: approvingly]

Usage examples of "disapprovingly".

Rafaella answered disapprovingly as Margaret swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Ralph knew what she meant, and he shook his head disapprovingly and looked out the window.

Even the vast portraits of Orlovs dead and gone seemed to glare disapprovingly at her from the brocade-hung walls.

Occasionally Brother Carpenter stopped to frown disapprovingly at it, then to work on the creases around the eyes with a dental pick, or caress between the fingers with fine sandpaper.

NIGHT OVER WATER 429 Princess Lavinia looked away haughtily, Lulu Bell grinned, Ollis Field frowned disapprovingly and Frankie Gordino said: "Attagirl!

She shook her head, the line bctween her brows growing deeper as she looked disapprovingly at her brother.

For the first time since their initial encounter in the men's room at Logan Airport, Desi the First looked disapprovingly at the Hawk.

She clasped her hands and stared disapprovingly at Deuteronomy, then at the blood on the kitchen floor.

Ah Tok grunted disapprovingly, shut it firmly, told the other two to hurry up with his bed bath, and handed him the tea.

The patrons were more contemporary: negro men in double-breasted suits and women in evening gowns who looked disapprovingly at my rumpled clothes and two-and-ahalf-day beard.

The fellow is so full of himself, Shu Mai thought disapprovingly as they moved out of the exhibition area and down the wide corridor.

Patrick would rear back, thrust out his lower lip, point and jabber disapprovingly.

Koko was back on top of the fireplace cube, hunched in his hungry pose, gazing down disapprovingly at the strangers in uniform, and probably wondering, Where's the red salmon?

After checking his watch, he looks at us disapprovingly but is too tired to make much of it.

Fennel had already claimed her warm spot in her chair, but he sat up to look at me disapprovingly.